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Regular Member
26 years (fab24 's birthday is on 27 July)
Last seen online
27 Aug 2010 at 18:12
Member from
2 Aug 2010 at 03:20 (5151 days)
HI my name is mackenna i am 12 yrs old n i love volley ball it is soooo cool but i also play field hockey. i am tall.o and i do dance and gymnastics!!!

15 Ways To A Girl's Heart......

1)Hug her from behind.

2)Hold her hand when walking together.

3)When standing wrap your arm around her.

4)Cuddle her.

5)Don't force her to do anything!!!

6)Don't get mad when she doesn't do it!!!

7)Write little notes to her.

8)Compliment her.

9)When you hug her, hold her as long as possible.

10)Say "I love you"...... and mean it!

11)Pick her over your friends. No matter what. Even if they call you a punk.

12)Comfort her when she cries.

13)Remember important dates.

14)Let her know that you're thinking about her.

15)Love her with all your heart.

you will have bad luck for 4 weeks!

But if you re-post this, you will get kissed by your crush on friday!

you opene​d it!​!​!​!​ Good Luck!​ Tonig​ht at midni​ght your true love will reali​ze they love you.

Somet​hing good will happe​n to you at 1:​00-​4:​20 pm tomor​row,​ it could​ be anywh​ere

Get ready​ for the bigge​st shock​ of your​ life 000000000000000000000000000000000


GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGI have 2 brothers 1 is 15 and the other is 6 and i have a half sister that i have never seen before:-(!!!!!!

A: hot/me/me
B: loves people
C: good kisser/me
D: makes people laugh
E: Has gorgeous eyes/me
F: people wild and crazy adore you
G: very outgoing
H: easy to fall in love with
I: loves to laugh and smile
J: is really sweet
K: really silly/me
L: smile to die for
M: makes dating fun/ me
N: can kick the crud out of u/me/me
O: has one of the best personalities ever
P: popular with all types of people
Q: a hypocrite
R: good boyfriend or girlfriend
S: cute
T: very good kisser
U: is very social
V: not judgmental
W: very broad minded
X: never let people tell you what to do
Y: is loved by everyone
Z: can be funny and dumb at timesMadison,Miranda,Allison,Kayla, emilee,katrina, and kendra and lots lots lots more

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